People cheering outside the Edward Hain Centre

A Year On: Our Journey Through Media

The story of our first year via TV and Press

Last Thursday, July 25th, it was a year since we announced the done-and-dusted purchase of the Edward Hain building. With the first anniversary of our Open Weekend Celebration coming up in September, we’re taking a look back at our journey via media coverage we’ve had along the way.

Many events were reported on local TV, but film footage is sadly not available from either BBC or ITV. Nevertheless, we hope you enjoy remembering with us by reading a few of the articles linked to below. We’re so fortunate to have had so much focus on our cause.

First official news: announcement of purchase price

In September 2022, after months of fundraising by the League of Friends of the (Edward Hain Memorial hospital (now Friends of the Edward Hain Centre), and seemingly endless negotiations with the NHS, came the announcement of the building’s price – and that the purchase was going ahead.

EHC trustees, Friends, friends, families, and former hospital nurses, gather for the announcement.

The joyous gathering outside the building of Friends, trustees, former nurses at the hospital, and Hain family spokesman Gerry O’Riordan, was filmed by BBC Spotlight. BBC Online published this piece; and here’s a spot from the Falmouth Packet.

July 2023: Purchase date gets National Coverage

Getting all of our legal and practical ducks in a row to complete the purchase took an age. Almost 10 months, the day finally arrive on July 25th, 2023. Local TV folks showed up as usual – and the story also reached far and wide in national press. Click the publication name to read their articles:

The Guardian (Online and print): St Ives residents raise £1m to save community hospital closed by NHS

Daily Mail:  (Online and print): Locals in seaside Cornish town…Residents raise more than £1m to buy their hospital from the NHS (Please note: the language of ‘Going to war with tourists’ is not our style! Besides, our main reason for buying the building was to set up a new health & wellbeing hub to replace at least some of the services that St. Ives so sorely needs.

(Also carried by The Independent.)

Banner on Treloyan Avenue
The news on display on Treloyan Avenue. With thanks to Tregenna Castle for letting us use their hedge.

BBC Breakfast’s Jenny Kumah also put together a wonderful 5-minute spot which aired a few days later. Sadly, we can’t link to the program – but Cornishpastyman’s video footage is definitely worth a look!

September 2023: our celebratory ‘Open Weekend’

As usual, local media were wonderfully supportive. In the days leading up to the event, we were given several interviews on BBC Radio Cornwall, as well as on Coast FM.

A full account of the glorious weekend can be found on this blog post.

On the Saturday, Spotlight were there to film for the evening news. The story was well covered by local press. Nationally, the Sunday Times published this article, both online and in print, on the Sunday. Their photographer Colin Higgs took the photo (with thanks to Colin for its use) of our new manager, Sharron Goldingay, now a familiar face at the Centre. also did us proud with this article, showing Hain descendant Philip handing over the hospital’s original 1920 key to the Centre to Edward Hain Centre Chair, Lynne Isaacs.

Looking to the Future

We hope you’ve enjoyed this wander down memory lane. We are thankful for all the publicity that local media have given us over the years leading up to our opening, as well as afterwards, with our first ever clinic last November ( article HERE), as well as the St. Ives Foodbank’s move-in this May ( article HERE).

What a year it’s been! And 2024 is far from over. Bearing in mind that upcoming anniversary mentioned above, have you seen our Save the Date post on Facebook? On Saturday, September 14th, we are holding an Open Day from 10 till 4. . . More on that soon! All are welcome to come, enjoy the day, and see our progress first-hand. We can’t wait to show you.


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