Please note: activities are not listed in order of start date, so please be sure to scroll through them all.
6 Wednesdays of free Mindfulness Meditation classes, 9:30 – 11 AM. Start date January 15th.
Individual sessions at the Centre. Booking through Healthy Cornwall
Join us at the Edward Hain Centre for our series of six free yoga classes with Justine Smith – designed specifically for those over 50! Whether you’re a seasoned yogi or completely new to yoga, this class is for you.
Mondays 9:30-11am: 7 free weekly wellness sessions for anyone over 18, starting February 17th
Every first Friday of the month, 1-3PM. (Please note: 2025’s first session will be on Friday, Jan. 17th) 2025’s Pain Café sessions kick off on
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Edward Hain Centre
Albany Terrace
St. Ives
Cornwall, TR26 2BS
Business hours: 9 to 5, M-F.