With big renovation plans ahead, the trustees are asking for your help
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Dear Friends and Followers,
We are making real progress at the Edward Hain Centre. With some renovations done, we’ve held two NHS diabetic eye screening clinics, two rooms are now in use for weekly community groups, more community groups are in the works, and the St. Ives Food Bank has just moved in. We are excited about the future.
However, major renovations are still needed.
Most of our 18 rooms need a lot of upgrading before we can accommodate the many service providers who are eager to rent them from us. Ongoing small grants and donations keep our running costs topped up; but the large grants that would fund the extent of work that needs doing require matched funding of many thousands of pounds. They also require us to provide architectural plans, which are very costly. After last year’s £1m purchase, we do do not have the funds for either, let alone both.
So to speed things along, we are launching this special appeal.
We are looking for Founding Donors to help propel us forward in our crucial first year. These are people and/or businesses who believe in our project and are willing to make a significant contribution of between £500 and £25,000 towards realising our vision – and we need your help to find likely people that we can reach out to.
Do you know anyone who fits the bill? If so, please leave a direct message for us on our Facebook Page, (click the link to get there) or email centremanager@edwardhaincentre.org.uk with the subject ‘Special Appeal,’ giving us their contact info. We will follow up with a letter or email to them. Please let us know if you’re happy for us to use your name or not. If you know someone well enough and prefer to ask them yourself, we would be delighted. We’d be happy to send you a PDF of information that you can give them, too.
A little more information.
Our aim with this appeal is to raise at least £25,000. There are several categories we would love to see:
- HAIN SUPPORTER: £5,000 – £10,000
- HAIN BENEFACTOR: £10,000 – £20,0000
- FOUNDING PATRON: £20,000 – £25,000
- HAIN TRAILBLAZER: £25,000 and above.
Those giving £5,000 or more will, if they choose, have their names (including businesses and foundations) on a plaque in the Centre’s foyer. All will receive special acknowledgement on our website.
We are extremely grateful for your ongoing support, and for any help you can give us with this appeal.
With our heartfelt thanks as ever,
The EHC trustees: Lynne Isaacs, Chair; Elizabeth Veal, Treasurer; Claire Young, Kit Hain Grindstaff, Phil Barnett, Samantha Peters, Janette Greenfield, trustees.