Every charity depends on donations from generous individuals, businesses or companies. In addition, grant funders like local government bodies, and charity Trusts and foundations, are an invaluable help.
Below, with the most recent at the top, is a list of our grant funders. Each makes our existence and progress possible. We are grateful for every one.
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The Albert Hunt Trust supports a wide variety of health and well-being causes. It will help with running costs as we expand into our next phase of growth. Grant amount: £5,000
The support of Volunteer Cornwall allows us to offer community workshops at no cost to participants. Examples include the weekly Knit & Natter group and various training sessions. Granted: £9,500 for the year.
The Antony Estate belongs to the Carew-Pole family. Their Carew Pole Charitable Trust focuses on projects that help people in need, in particular those aiming to have long-term impact. Priority is given to causes in Cornwall. Amount granted: £1,000
The Baltic Exchange Charitable Foundation usually provides grants for maritime services. Capt. Edward Hain was a member, and listed on their 1914-1918 Honour Roll. They very kindly voted us a discretionary grant of £1,000
Cornwall Community Foundation‘s Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprises (VCSE) grant helps pay our core funding costs. It is distributed by Cornwall’s Voluntary Sector Forum (VSF). Amount: £7,500
St. Ives Town Council’s Community Organisations Core Funding Grant: This grant helps us with running costs in our crucial start-up period. Amount: £840
Cornwall Council‘s Community Chest gives small grants to not-for-profit groups across Cornwall. Each Councillor has a small grants budget to support projects in their area. Ours was kindly granted by Cllr. Linda Taylor to contribute to core running costs. Amount : £1,000
The National Lottery Community Fund‘s Awards For All was the first grant we received, in August 2023. It included funding for our Open Weekend launch in September, and startup costs. Amount: £10,000